
Gary is a man struggling to find himself, looking for meaning in a cruel and distant world. Music frees him, through music and drugs he finds his place in the world. But soon he is to find something far more dangerous than the most potent substance, something with the power to consume him.

The Reluctant Salesman

Harry O'Reilly is young, free talented, he fears no-one and nothing but the threat of life passing him by. Through stubborn laziness and a lack of options, Harry's staggering lack of inhibition draws him unwittingly into a sales career he never wanted. Through the adventures he has and the strange people he meets he discovers that beneath the surface of society all is not necessarily as it seems.

Genesis - Part I

Julius Walton is a pioneer of nano-engineering, working at the cutting edge of science, trying to harness discoveries that even he doesn't fully understand. But Julius is dead, and a tangled web of intrigue and horror shrouds his research. His death sets in motion a chain of events which could threaten the future of humanity, a chain of events that can only be stopped by the unlikeliest of heroes.
